Letter to the Editor - On the case of PO1 Ervin Adling

This has reference to The FREEMAN news report on January 11, 2008 relative to the case of PO1 Ervin E. Adling to the effect that said policeman is a member of Regional Mobile Group 7 (RMG7), that Cebu City Police Office has no administrative jurisdiction over his person and that the result of the investigation of his case will be submitted to RMG7 for immediate action.

In defense of the 265-strong officers and men of Regional Mobile Group 7 who struggle to be true to their sworn duties to serve and protect, may we please clarify that though PO1 Ervin E. Adling was assigned to this Group on September 7, 2007; on same date, he was placed on detail and hence rendered actual duty with the Cebu City Police Office. He may even have been rendering duty with CCPO even before that date.

His status was no different from that of PO1 Noriel N. Luage, who at the time of his death was also a member of Regional Mobile Group 7 but rendering actual duty with Cebu City Police Office. In effect, we had no physical/actual control over the person of PO1 Ervin E Adling from September 7, 2007 up to this date for he was not even able to set his foot yet in any RMG7 unit. Be that as it may, we welcome the turnover of the records of his case to us, for appropriate administrative proceedings.

Hoping that this may see print in your prestigious publication in fairness to the officers and men of Regional Mobile Group 7.


Jesus Sumampong Gaquing Sr.

Police Senior Superintendent, DSC

Group Director

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