The road to Mandalay
I was in
Unfortunately, this cruise can only be made every August/September when the Road to
But pagodas are not just about splendor or success and wealth, there are other humbler structures along the wayside built privately by devout Buddhist families. That is why there are literally thousands of pagodas all over the country. Since the pagodas are painted gold it radiates a beauty unseen at any other time of the day than at sunset when the ebbing light casts a glint at their arching domes that can be seen for miles. My
It proves yet again that there are many realities about a place and the reality I have chosen is the beauty of the place and its people. This is not to deny that the country is in political turmoil but as many of them have told me it is a mistake to think only of them in the light of politics, oftentimes not even theirs. Life goes on and it would be wrong not to reach out to this many who depend on tourism for their livelihoods.
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I am yielding some space to my husband, former Ambassador Alberto A. Pedrosa for his novel approach to the NBN Senate hearings. His views coincide with others who think there must be a step forward to this broadband mess other than just finger pointing. For one, there are many who want to understand the project itself. Would it be possible to salvage it while removing it disputed aspects?
“It is unfortunate that the Senate hearings on NBN seem directed at exposing “corruption” when it can be a venue for a technical, non-partisan analysis of the different proposals put forward.
“Dean E. De Dios was asked by Chairman Cayetano what an internal rate of return (IRR) is. A straight-forward response and an illustration would have been welcome as IRR analysis would show cash flow streams from the project over its life, discounted by the hurdle rate of 15%. A loan package would give cash inflow (income and savings if any) while debt service, operation and maintenance expenses etc would be among outflows. The government will be the recipient of income streams.
“Under a BOT (and its variants) proposal, there would be no capital investment by the Government but the income streams would probably be lower because the proponent would have to pay for the investment plus whatever royalty or fee is agreed on.
“Net cash flows, after discounting, plus residual value at project term can then be compared and an IRR struck (software can easily do this). Now, it is said that Government is lousy at implementing projects. So the projected gross income streams can be discounted by a probability scale of zero (if it is thought that such income or savings would be null) or whatever probability is “agreed” on. (One has to be extra careful in assigning probability to be associated with any income stream).
“Benefits to society, connection of rural barangays etc. can be factored in, after evaluation of comparative IRRs. Cost-benefit analysis, welfare economics are difficult subjects but the World Bank and/or ADB probably have software programs to carry this out. They may also have benchmark figures on equipment comparable to ZTE’s offer.
“I don’t want to sound callous but “commissions” etc are not an added cost because they will probably come from the profits of the proponent. Of course, such fees can be deducted from project cost.
“Let us (the public) have more technical analysis. To use Milton Friedman’s terminology, more positive economics rather than normative ones, please.”
My email is [email protected]
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