The President has finally ordered the implementation of the ZTE/NBN project suspended for the time being. With the Senate inquiries possibly going deeper into the controversial deal, Malacañang has called for a time out. Public opinion on the matter has already judged the project as fraught with inconsistencies, anomalies and possible bribery — not to mention being quick to believe allegations of the First Gentleman’s involvement in coercing Joey De Venecia III into backing off from the said project. The media now has a new infamous by-line in “Back Off”, replacing “Hello Garci”.
When something starts to stink, it is time to throw it away or bury it. After only two Senate hearings on the matter, the ZTE/NBN deal has become one of the more colorful and interesting controversies this administration has gotten itself into, not to mention the involvement of so many of the President’s men! And no other whistleblower in the history of whistle blowing has been given so much trust and benefit-of-the-doubt privilege than Joey De Venecia III. What Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano, Vidal Doble, Sen. Ping Lacson and Sandra Cam could not do to presidential daughter Luli Arroyo, JDV III has accomplished in several hours – get Luli Arroyo to get personal.
Despite the call from Malacañang for a time-out — simply echoing the earlier TRO ordered by the Supreme Court — the Senate hearings should go on. We still have to hear the testimony of CHED Sec. Romulo Neri, who has evaded two hearings for various reasons. What he has to say, if he has the guts to say it, may be paramount to this whole affair. Of course, Abalos now wants to speak. A far cry from his earlier denials of having anything to do with the deal and with ZTE itself. As if the nation still believes in anything that Chairman Abalos has to say.
If the President still believes she can leave a good legacy — this is her chance, maybe, the one and only. GMA should allow the chips to fall where they may, and move on. This deal is no longer in her best interest. It might be her PR ticket out of the undying Hello Garci mess. Saving the people from added indebtedness of US$ 330 million is a big thing. As for Chairman Abalos and all the “boys”, big and small, they’ll just have to wait for another deal, less prone to being whistleblown, to provide them their golden parachute before retirement. Remember, there are, reportedly, 31 deals under the China package.