Top ranking military official has preferences for young men?

STRANGE PREFERENCE. Rumors are flying about a high-ranking AFP official who seems to have a preference for young men. One time at a social function, he insisted on dancing with a fresh PMA graduate to the dismay of one of his aides who noticed many government officials watching. When he “suggested” to his superior to “behave” himself the high-ranking official gave him a tongue-lashing instead.

DAMNED IF YOU DO, DAMNED IF YOU DON’T. Another of this official’s aides, reportedly a handsome young and talented officer, requested a transfer of assignment. But this official would have none of it and told him there would be no quitting from his post and threatened to remove him from military service if he insisted on doing so. It was not revealed what the aide did after that, it was also not mentioned what pushed the aide to move for his transfer, but still rumors fly...

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