School contributions prevent kids from going to school

IMPOSED CONTRIBUTIONS. The Ear heard that many parents living in urban barangays can’t send their children to school which starts today because many of them weren’t able to pay for the school contributions imposed by public schools.  One parent living in a provincial lot in Cebu City said that two of her children wouldn’t be able to go to school today. She said, “Mas importante man sa mga eskuwelahan ang contribution para Boy Scout kay sa pag tuon sa mga bata.”

NO MONEY, NO SCHOOL.  Another parent commented: “Mamugos man gyud ang eskwelahan na mobayad mi sa contribution unya lisod baya kaayo ang panahon karon. Walay klarong trabaho akong banang panday. Kay wala man ko nakabayad sa contribution nga mokabat og P500, dili ni maka eskwela ning duha ko ka anak.”

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