

A fine piece of work

CTALK - Cito Beltran -
Thirty five years ago, Francisco "Kit" Tatad was an idealist and a journalist. His biggest mistake was he got into politics.

If it were mine to decide, this would be an obituary to his political adventure but from the looks of it he already did that. The question is will he rise up to be another political Lazarus at a more convenient time? Or retire as a journalist?

Anyone who has had occasion to read his 2 page Letter-questions to former President Joseph Estrada (Phil STAR 1/29/07), would undoubtedly conclude that Tatad the journalist is still alive in the well thought, well written letter that ended up as a paid advertisement.

That he made an honest account of events at the cost of his colleagues speaks of his uncompromising stance to call a spade a spade or was it nothing more than a well-crafted rave that made him look good at other people’s expense?

Was there malice in the heart of the person who actually placed the letter as two full page paid advertisements? Was it done in the hope of brokering for favor with Malacañang?

The problem with the Tatad letter is that the author has a past. As we all do. Unfortunately in Tatad’s case it is consistently about embracing and later abandoning "controversial" people because of alleged moral matters.

Tatad certainly means well for Erap, for UNO, and for the nation.

Tatad’s problem is that he is now a square peg in a round hole.

First of all as a veteran journalist and seasoned politician he should have respected the private nature of their discussions and not allowed the publication of his letter.

Second, Tatad should bear in mind that there is a distinct difference between the intellectual and the political mindset. The thinking man who appreciates Plato, Socrates and Veritas will experience great discomfort discussing the merits of candidacy relative to winnability because of star power, and the greater power of Kris Aquino.

Had Tatad come into a civilized time with civilized politics, his visions of being "in the service of truth, justice, and common good" would be reality. But he didn’t.

He lives in the now. "Now" is a time when crooks hold public office. When gambling lords hold elected positions, when drug lords fund drug users to public office. Now is time when elected officials are suspended or kicked out by appointed government officials. Now is the time when the Armed Forces of the Philippines faces it’s ultimate fear… not the revenge of the Abu Sayyaf but to be led by a retired policeman!

Quite honestly the Tatad letter triggers mixed emotions.

On one hand I can’t wait to congratulate him for writing what must certainly have been a painful and difficult letter to write. Knowing his relationship with Erap, the idea of publicizing the letter is equivalent to cutting the cords of friendship or "sulian ng kandila".

I want to congratulate him for his "publicized honesty" about the poisoned state of minds that many of the political heads, leaders, heroes and knaves have in the Philippines, no parties exempted.

The Tatad letter thus far has been the most accurate exposition on the perverted and deluded sense of entitlement that all the Rich and Politically established families and personalities constantly feast on.

A sin committed by both the opposition, the administration, and even so-called independents.

Tatad can certainly expect a barrage of criticism if not attacks for his spade work since many ambitious incompetents running for public office will need to curry favor in exchange for political or financial support. In politics there is never a lack of prostitutes.

Speaking of entitlement, I recently heard Loyalist administration Congressman Butch Pitchay lambasting the idea of a "Unity ticket". His point was for "Principled politics" as basis for selecting candidates and not compromise.

Apparently the basis for selection in the administration lineup is "winnability". The formula suddenly disregards all the years of loyal service rendered by this defender of the Palace and all things unpopular.

The tragedy was how after spending the last three years lambasting the "noisy and destructive opposition", the poor Congressman was now extolling the virtues of a strong and vibrant opposition. At least he had enough principles to stand his ground.

My question is: what exactly is "PRINCIPLED POLITICS?"

Is it the true and honest elections of true and honest public servants who have an established and unblemished track record of serving people?

Does it take into account the personal history of the "politician" in terms of his or her home life, marriage, competence and business integrity?

I ask a question and give the obvious answer simply because many in power now have begun to believe the lies they use to justify their ends.

Apparently some believe that Principled Politics is all for one and one for all even if they are united in fraud, falsehood, or thievery.

They are clueless of the norm that being principled means having integrity in ALL your dealings and not just in some. Being principled means standing up and fighting for your marriage as much as your political point of view and not abandoning a marriage or a "Party".

Principled Politics to them is supporting and defending the indefensible, the weak, the incompetent and the greedy. To reward one’s career of self serving "loyalty" over loyalty to the party.

Tatad correctly pointed out the defective presumptions that what worked once will work again. If running for public office to defend private interests used to work, that thought has now grown stale. The election of two Ejercitos to the Senate has actually taken away the "Underdog" status of Erap.

But what was Tatad’s motive? Has Kit Tatad in an act of self-sacrifice decided to hang the dirty linen in public in order to shake off the lice and fleas in the opposition? Or has he taken the Kamikaze philosophy that if he can’t have his way, he will take all of them down with him?

There is logic in his proposition that electoral reforms must first be instituted in order to make the elections credible and winnable. Sadly wisdom often comes late in life and often after much regret.

But rather than work at it, Tatad would have the mountain come to Mohammed. Boycotts never worked. Electoral or economic boycotts is the lazy warrior’s quick way out. It makes you look like you’re doing a BIG thing when in fact you’re not.

Instead of a boycott, he might as well rejoin the cabinet and be more productive rather than throw away the towel and sulk in a corner because that’s what a boycott achieves. It gives the opponents a free victory. No cost, no fuzz.

In his "letter" Tatad offered nothing new. This perhaps was the fatal flaw to his argument. Not only must we comment, not only can we criticize, we must also offer something better. We must give an answer.

At the end of the day Tatad’s pre-election masterpiece will be this week’s fish wrapper. He preaches to a crowd that hears but refuses to listen. He gives a message that has no taker because in their eyes he is no better because his hands are also stained with what he calls Crass Opportunism.

God willing he may have finally realized what principled politics is all about. Even more important may he realize what Dean Cesar Majul once said, "the scholar does not knock at the palace gates".

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