Letter to the Editor - CICC and the Asean Summit

There's a leak somewhere on the CICC roofing, but when this news reached the headlines, it is as if the building has no roof at all.

The CICC building is so big, but instead of appreciating its beauty, we focus our attention on a little hole on its roof which causes a minimal leak.

Now that the CICC is almost completely finished, nobody ever shouts "Hurrah!" Envious minds continue to scan for faults even to the extent of using a microscope just to find one.

We're so proud of Paquiao's accomplishments in boxing, but we never show the same feeling for having a CICC and having the Asean Summit right here in our place.

If we listen to the authorities, they assured us that the 10 Asean heads or more will attend the Summit but if we lend our ears to the "killjoy" opposition, they say only a few will attend or it will even not happen at all.

What scares our tourists most? Is it because of their personal observations and experiences? Or because of some media which keep on painting our country with negative criticisms making it not safe even for a visit?

The Asean Summit had to be postponed because of the storm, the authorities said but others insisted that the threat of terrorism was the main reason.

A father tells his child not to go out of their house simply because it's so dark, but the mother makes it more terrifying for the child; she tells him there's a monster out there!

Kid Jumao-as
Banawa, Cebu City

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