EDITORIAL - The virus among us

The trouble with so-called militant groups is that they see so many things wrong in the world but seldom, if ever, do they offer any possible solutions. All they do is scream and march, upsetting the peace and causing inconvenience to everyone.

Take a look at their most recent passion. They are now screaming that the purchase by the provincial government of decorative streetlights for the Asean Summit is tainted by corruption and are now planning a lawsuit against Governor Gwen Garcia.

But when you ask anyone from among these godforsaken groups for even the slightest trace of evidence, you are bound to end frustrated. Providing evidence is never part of the agenda of those who are only good in posturing and grabbing headlines.

The problem with such groups is that they have perfected their game in at least one aspect, and that is understanding how the Philippine media works. They know how easily Filipino journalists get titillated even by the most preposterous stories.

It is not that the Philippine media is devoid of any intelligence to discern the subterfuge employed by these socially-destructive groups. But Filipino journalists are consumed by an inordinate fear of being left out of a story, no matter how baseless or ridiculous.

They have the Philippine media eating virtually out of their hands. And while their antics may tend to get too repetitive and boring, they still manage to get into the news. Even if they get buried in the inside pages, there is no rejecting them.

And that is what helps erode public confidence in government. While it is true corruption is rampant, the presumption of innocence must remain inviolate or we descend into anarchy, with baseless charges forcing people to take the law into their own hands.

If that happens, then we shall have played into the trap laid out for us by these groups. These groups have the uncanny ability to use the things that give us strength to destroy us. Our belief in morals, ethics, values has been incessantly invaded by the virus they unleash.

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