Asean Summit moved to January because of storm... of another kind?
December 11, 2006 | 12:00am
STORM. Many old-timers sitting around an uptown mall were heard discussing among themselves the reason for the postponement of the 12th Asean Summit. One military retiree said, "Dili bagyo ang rason nga gisibog ang summit. Gihimo rang excuse ang bagyo." But a cheeky old-timer said, "Tinuod nga bagyo ang hinungdan sa postponement sa summit, Pre. Politikanhong bagyo! Hehe!"
DOWN THE DRAIN. Coffeeshop-talk among businessmen last night was about the millions spent by the government to beautify Cebu in preparation for the Asean Summit that went down the drain with the postponement of the summit. One businessman said, "Kasayang sa millions nga nagasto sa gobyerno pag beautify sa Cebu. Ang mga tanom ug buwak malaya na. Unsa, mogasto na sab ang gobyernog pila ka milyon karong January?"
DOWN THE DRAIN. Coffeeshop-talk among businessmen last night was about the millions spent by the government to beautify Cebu in preparation for the Asean Summit that went down the drain with the postponement of the summit. One businessman said, "Kasayang sa millions nga nagasto sa gobyerno pag beautify sa Cebu. Ang mga tanom ug buwak malaya na. Unsa, mogasto na sab ang gobyernog pila ka milyon karong January?"
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