PUJ driver didn't drive but won in tigbakay

DESERTED STORE. A salesgirl of a general merchandise store told The Ear that during the ASEAN Summit traffic dry run last Friday her store, which was located within the ceremonial route, was practically deserted. "Gilangaw naman gani among tindahan sa wa pay dry run labaw na gyud atol sa dry run... gilagong na gyud," she said.

LUCKY DAY. A PUJ driver plying the Mabolo route did not go to work during the ASEAN Summit dry run last Friday. He spent his time in a tigbakay where many other drivers went to because driving that day was non-profitable. The driver went home happy as he won in the cockfight. "Salamat sa Diyos nga bisan wa ko ka-drayb nakakuwarta gihapon ko sa tigbakay," the driver said.

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