Are we robbing ourselves?

I was reading my e-mail one morning when I received mail from one who read The Freeman online, since he's in the States. He was commenting first about the government's rather flaccid moves in prosecuting the guilty sources of the Nursing board leakage and then got on to mention the perpetual culture of corruption here in The Philippines, as Filipinos are a rather forgiving breed. If not, I'd say rather passive. Anyway, one striking part of the e-mail was this thought:

What makes the United States so rich and great? Primarily because the US government is very strict in collecting taxes. Do you remember the winner of the TV series "The Survivor" Richard Hatch? He received the prize of US $1Million after winning the show but did not pay taxes out of his winning. He was made to pay taxes by IRS and jailed at the same time for four years. Do you think that will happen in the Philippines among actors/actresses in the movie industry who are tax evaders and among corrupt government officials?

Stunning cases of tax evasion charges include Judy Ann Santos, Regine Velasquez and even the P25-billion tax evasion case against business magnate Lucio Tan (which was eventually dismissed, by the way). Truth be told, even small and medium business enterprises often understate their earnings so they can pay less taxes. With the high tax rates and the steep e-vat tax and disheartening economic condition, it's no wonder that such SMEs are doing what they can to survive. But it wouldn't be safe to generalize either. Many don't even know how the taxation system works and their tax evasion might not even be deliberate or intentional.

But whether or not tax evasion is intentional or no matter what justification you might have to offer, it is still a crime. It accounts for huge deficits by the billions in annual government budgets. Budget allocations are needed for the education sector, infrastructure, agricultural development, etc. My friend Chappy and I were discussing tax evasion and she strongly says that tax evasion is a big no-no. As citizens, it's our obligation and duty to pay taxes. How else can we expect government services and structures? We can't expect to have our government agencies working for city projects and the like if they don't even have enough funds. Tax is the lifeblood of the government. When one evades taxes, he is actually stealing money intended for the common good. It's almost like robbing oneself.

We can't blame everything on corruption in the government. Sure, distrust has tainted the reputations of our political officials. But it would be hypocritical to point fingers and then hide our own faults behind our backs. We should always start with our own selves and do our part, instead of contributing to the problem. So pay your taxes! And may God enforce the conscience of the tax collectors to use the funds wisely and justly.

As for the government, I do hope they improve their system of tax collection and may they strictly put their foot down when they enforce the tax laws. They shouldn't look only into the struggling small and medium enterprises, just because they are easier to prosecute, but especially powerful corporations and high-profile celebrities who do earn a lot.

Tax evasion is a selfish crime. We might have much hesitation in entrusting our hard-earned cash to the government we might hardly trust at all, but perhaps in some hands, our money could be put to good and proper use. At least it would free our own conscience, as we do what we can for our country. We shouldn't rob ourselves of what we could possibly benefit from paying our taxes.
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