So when pimps will offer them a place to stay these young innocent girls would believe these pimps want to help them, so they trust them. But these pimps only want to get their panties off and have sex with them. In some cases these pimps will even get them pregnant.
These Filipino girls have been brought up all their lives to be loyal and faithful to the man they first have sex with so these girls are at a disadvantage already. They are no match for the pimp so therefore these innocent girls allow themselves to be put in the position where the pimp can actually control their lives.
These young girls will end up out on the streets to be prostitutes and thieves to benefit the pimp and these young girls who the pimp makes babies with are too young to have babies of their own and have no idea what is involved in being a mother.
I think the local government needs to provide a safe house and food free of charge for these young girls until such time they can find an honest job to take care of themselves. When they are in the safe house the government could also consult with them in ways to help them find decent jobs.
This would help with the problem of wanted babies. It would cut down prostitution going on in the streets of big cities like Cebu. I believe the government should give a fair chance to these young ladies coming from the province who seek jobs and better opportunities to become better citizens for the Philippines. And it's not prostitution or thievery.
John H. Wallace
Sanciangko corner Pelaez St.
Cebu City