They went to the Lechon Fest thinking lechon was free

EMPTY HANDED. Four young men from Pardo, Cebu City, went to Talisay City to witness the much-talked-about Lechon Festival last Sunday. Each of them had plastic bags believing that the lechon (about 200 of them) would be given away gratis et amore. They were wrong. The lechon was for sale, though at a give-away price. They were given puso by a lechonero but they were not able to eat even just a piece of the crispy skin of the pig because they had no money. "Namauli empty handed ug empty tiyan pa gyud," an Ear informer said.

NOISY MOVIEGOERS. A lay minister in a Catholic church told The Ear he and other persons seated near him in a moviehouse were annoyed by a group of noisy teenagers who kept repeating the dialogs of the actors on the screen. "Puwerteng sabaa," he said. A seatmate asked the teenagers to keep quiet but the more they made noise." The lay minister said he would communicate with the theater owner to suggest that an appeal that say's "Please don't annoy your fellow moviegoer" be flashed on the screen before and after each screening.

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