GMA's Comelec call and the truth
July 14, 2005 | 12:00am
Until she admitted that she did talk to a Comelec official whom she did not name, I am sure so many believed that all the charges hurled in the past and more recently at the President were orchestrated by those who wanted to grab power. Many still continue to believe so.
Many were skeptical about the allegations of fraud against her husband, her son, and her husband's brother, through the Pidal case and the more recent jueteng connections as these did not really involve Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo directly and personally. Even when the so-called Garci tapes were exposed, again, most of our people did not believe the tapes were real. More did not believe that it was GMA who talked to a Comelec official as the tapes suggested. Rather than believe the bearers of the tapes and the jueteng witnesses, there was the cautious but mounting calls from various sectors for the truth behind the tapes and jueteng.
After weeks of silence, PGMA finally went public and admitted that due to a lapse of judgement on her part, she did talk to a Comelec official. " I am sorry." she apologized to the Filipino nation. Until she herself admitted that, many still believed that PGMA herself was credible as a leader. The truth was now out, very loud and clear to the nation: An incumbent President, a presidential candidate admits talking to an unnamed Comelec official during a very sensitive election period.
Many now ask, why did GMA call a Comelec official before final, official canvassing was over for the whole nation? Was that call a behavior fit and becoming of an incumbent President, of a presidential candidate? Was that call lawful? Did PGMA not break any law of the land by making that call within those crucial moments?
If her supporters and PGMA herself say that she did not break any law, then why the apology for making a call to a Comelec officer? What did she say sorry for? What was the lapse of judgement that she referred to? Or was she saying sorry for keeping quiet for so long and for not confirming the truth about the call that the nation deserved?
Her public apology and admission, however, did not bring out the truth that would have set this nation free. That is what the CBCP is asking her now. Beyond apology, there is accountability. That is what those who are asking her to resign are asking her now.
What does her own conscience tell her about the truth of that call? Was her call one that God would have approved? Was her call one that would have served the Lord and the people, more than herself and her political position? Was her call lawful and fit for an incumbent President, for a presidential candidate? Was her call moral and becoming of a leader, of the highest leader of this nation, one becoming of "God's anointed?" Is she providing the truth about that call and the moral leadership that the Lord wants for our people? Is GMA leading this nation for herself, for the people, or, for the Lord?
Her admission of her presidential call to a Comelec official made before official canvassing was over was the tipping point for many Filipinos. As the highest official of the land and as a presidential candidate, many believe GMA broke the law of separation of powers by calling on Comelec about election matters. Her call cast doubt on the sanctity of the ballot, on the role of the Comelec, on the will of the Lord for her and the nation.
She makes the call, she apologizes for that call, did she not break the law first with that call and now she asks the nation to abide by the rule of law? Is GMA leading this nation based on high moral grounds, on the whole truth about her call to the Comelec official? If she is so confident about her credibility and her leadership, why doesn't President GMA appear together soonest with the Comelec official to tell the Filipino people the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about their call? Truth will be the ultimate closure for all to move on in unity and faith.
Many were skeptical about the allegations of fraud against her husband, her son, and her husband's brother, through the Pidal case and the more recent jueteng connections as these did not really involve Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo directly and personally. Even when the so-called Garci tapes were exposed, again, most of our people did not believe the tapes were real. More did not believe that it was GMA who talked to a Comelec official as the tapes suggested. Rather than believe the bearers of the tapes and the jueteng witnesses, there was the cautious but mounting calls from various sectors for the truth behind the tapes and jueteng.
After weeks of silence, PGMA finally went public and admitted that due to a lapse of judgement on her part, she did talk to a Comelec official. " I am sorry." she apologized to the Filipino nation. Until she herself admitted that, many still believed that PGMA herself was credible as a leader. The truth was now out, very loud and clear to the nation: An incumbent President, a presidential candidate admits talking to an unnamed Comelec official during a very sensitive election period.
Many now ask, why did GMA call a Comelec official before final, official canvassing was over for the whole nation? Was that call a behavior fit and becoming of an incumbent President, of a presidential candidate? Was that call lawful? Did PGMA not break any law of the land by making that call within those crucial moments?
If her supporters and PGMA herself say that she did not break any law, then why the apology for making a call to a Comelec officer? What did she say sorry for? What was the lapse of judgement that she referred to? Or was she saying sorry for keeping quiet for so long and for not confirming the truth about the call that the nation deserved?
Her public apology and admission, however, did not bring out the truth that would have set this nation free. That is what the CBCP is asking her now. Beyond apology, there is accountability. That is what those who are asking her to resign are asking her now.
What does her own conscience tell her about the truth of that call? Was her call one that God would have approved? Was her call one that would have served the Lord and the people, more than herself and her political position? Was her call lawful and fit for an incumbent President, for a presidential candidate? Was her call moral and becoming of a leader, of the highest leader of this nation, one becoming of "God's anointed?" Is she providing the truth about that call and the moral leadership that the Lord wants for our people? Is GMA leading this nation for herself, for the people, or, for the Lord?
Her admission of her presidential call to a Comelec official made before official canvassing was over was the tipping point for many Filipinos. As the highest official of the land and as a presidential candidate, many believe GMA broke the law of separation of powers by calling on Comelec about election matters. Her call cast doubt on the sanctity of the ballot, on the role of the Comelec, on the will of the Lord for her and the nation.
She makes the call, she apologizes for that call, did she not break the law first with that call and now she asks the nation to abide by the rule of law? Is GMA leading this nation based on high moral grounds, on the whole truth about her call to the Comelec official? If she is so confident about her credibility and her leadership, why doesn't President GMA appear together soonest with the Comelec official to tell the Filipino people the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about their call? Truth will be the ultimate closure for all to move on in unity and faith.
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