We have seen how television has projected Catholicism by showing the late Popes contribution to world affairs. We, too, can maximize the use of television for nation-building. Right now, sad to say, most of the programs are about sex and violence. It could be about the nations ills and the peoples answers to these problems.
The blackboard was a major contribution to education. Radio and TV have been even bigger contributions. Unfortunately, neither is being utilized for education. Both mediums are used to project sex and violence. Even our ads do not project a good image of the Filipino. Most ads show Filipinos in a poor light. What a way of trying to sell a product downgrading the very people they are trying to sell their products to.
We hope that President Macapagal-Arroyo would stage her program by calling the owners of tri-media the press, radio and television to adopt a new policy for all their programs. They should deal with the real problems of the nation and what each and every Filipino can contribute to their solutions.
One of our biggest problems in Metro Manila are the street children. They are the Holy Innocents of our time. Definitely, we can provide homes for them so that they will grow in a way they will be able to contribute to the progress of their country. We have yet to see a good dramatic program on our street children on TV.
Right in Manila and Makati, we also have the problem of families squatting along the sides of railroad tracks. Surely, something can be done to evacuate them to decent homes in areas where they can find suitable employment.
We should think of all people as extensions of our families. The Tagalogs have a term for it Kapamilya.
Right now, the National Commission for Culture and the Arts along with other agencies are organizing a Cultural Summit on the Power of Arts and Media in Breaking the Cycle of Corruption and Poverty. We hope and pray that they succeed in their endeavor to upgrade society.