In his book, Political Terrorism, Grant Wardlaw defined it as: "The use, or threat of use, of violence by an individual or a group, whether acting for or in opposition to established authority, when such action is designed to create extreme anxiety and/or fear-inducing effects in a target group larger than the immediate victims with the purpose of coercing that group into acceding to the political demands of the perpetrators."
In eight days, we will be starting our Holy Week celebration and already the authorities are taking all measures to prevent a repetition of the Valentines Day bombings. Drastic measures are being taken to secure seaports, airports and railway stations and bus terminals because hundreds of thousands of people will celebrate the occasion in their home provinces. In our opinion, the place to add particular surveillance will be the churches. The Armed Forces and the Police did an excellent job of ensuring peace and order in our cemeteries last All Saints and All Souls joint celebration. We hope they can do the same for the churches this coming Holy Week.
Terrorism is the most senseless crime. It achieves nothing and victimizes innocent people who have nothing to do whatsoever with the problem. Its only purpose is to call attention to the existence of the terrorists.
All terrorists are criminals and they have total disregard for all laws. We emphasize this because even war has rules outlawing certain tactics. First and foremost is that you dont shoot helpless civilians. Terrorists pick on the most defenseless sector of society. Their purpose is not military conquest, but just to kill as many people and destroy as much property as possible with minimum risk to themselves.