Peace only Christ can give

In the wake of election fever just experienced, we hear voices clamoring for peace. The people of the Philippines for a long time have been thirsting for peace. And by ‘peace’ most of us mean o more bickerings among our lawmakers, no intrigues like one senator hitting another government official, a candidate for president digging the personal life of another; accusing one candidate of having two or more husbands or wives, exposing one top candidate as being the mistress of her present ‘live-in’, the illegitimate children that comes out of clandestine relationships, of questionable wealth and how for heaven’s sake was it acquired; why the handitry in Mindanao continues their kidnappings, hostaging, and because the military charged to fight them allegedly get a big cut out of ransoms paid by hapless victims; ugly full-page ads smearing the name of candidates who are predicted by surveys to be probable winners; violence made a terrorist threat and actually killing even innocent civilians by explosions as if that is a way of preventing the victory of an election hopeful. Presidentiables have among their promise to the people, the restoration of law and order in the land. But the question is how can they restore law and order when they themselves have become hostile to one another?

We do not lost hope, however. Just before election day, former President Cory Aquino moved to invite all presidentiables and candidates to a Mass for unity and peace at San Agustin Church with Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales officiating. That was a good sight to see all of them – Brother Eddie Villanueva, Senator Raul Roco, Fernando Poe Jr., Senator Panfilo Lacson, Jr. and President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo holding hands singing the Lord’s Prayer. Can this be the beginning of healing all strife, the way to reconciliation and peace, the promise now that people have voted, they will recognize in it the hand of God. At least if the people voted honestly, objectively choosing the candidate not for any vested interest, but sincerely choosing the most competent, following the dictates of sound reason and conscience and morality, then the way as God would have us follow has been opened.

It is also touching, that televised media, while giving candidates some time to air their campaigns, changed the tone of their broadcasts one or two days before election time. Show-biz characters, newscasters, TV hosts shared prayers for an honest, clean election, for unity and peace. The atmosphere could recall how Jesus prayed to the heavenly Father, "That they all may be one as Thou Father in Me and I in Thee. That they all may be one as we are" (Jn 17:11). Peace is after all the gift of God Himself to men won by Christ’s unconditional obedience by delivering Himself without reserve to God, thereby defeating the power of Satan which held us in bondage.

It is only in Christ Jesus we can find peace and the only way He points to wherein we should tread is by keeping His Word. "Whoever loves Me will keep My Word and My Father will love him and We will make our dwelling place in Him " (Jn 14:23). This is how we reconcile all things in Christ. It is only when we are at peace with God that we can find the peace he meant when He said: "PEACE I give to you; My peace I leave with you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you" (Jn 14:27).

Sixth Sunday of Easter, John 14:23-29.

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