Memorable gathering of families

There is nothing like being where the action is and having a piece of it.The experience is up close and personal and will be long remembered. Like when my wife and I became parts of a multitude who gathered at the Luneta for the closing ceremonies of the Fourth World Meeting of Families last January 25-26, 2003.

We wanted to be as near as possible to the grandstand to have a better view and firmer grasp of the proceedings but strict security measures for the delegates and the VIPs found us in another "zone" of the Luneta where the ceremonies were better observed through the sound systems and video screens.Such precaution was just necessary and proper for a host who wanted their guest to feel safe in a country unfairly described as infested with terrorists ( no thanks to media), but we had a hard time explaining it to the next man who wryly commented "akala ko open to the public ito, hindi pala"; after seeing the big vacant space and empty chairs in front of the grandstand in the evening of January 25.

Anyway we really appreciated the "zoning" of the Luneta on that occasion. It turned out to be the very reason why we had an intimate and special experience of the historic event.We became part of the main crowd at the zone far removed from the grandstand.

Even as the evening shadows cast a cold spell in the surroundings, there was warmth all over the place generated not by the physical heat of warm bodies but by the aura of love and affection exuded by the fathers, mothers and their children huddled close to each other as they enjoy the happenings from far away. The sight was simply awe-inspiring. Families from all walks of life partaking of their "baons"and sharing it with others. Children helping their parents prepare to celebrate and keep vigil until next morning laying out newspapers and assorted mats on the sprawling grounds of the Luneta to serve as their beds for the night.This is the typical Filipino Family. They come from all sectors of society but they have one thing in common, their amazing closeness and remarkable solidarity.

At sunrise the following day, crowds have swelled to attend the holy mass capping the World Meeting.More families arrived with children and young babies in tow,some in their mothers’arms and others perched on their fathers’ shoulders.Those who kept vigil were already up and about although some of the children were still asleep.We already felt uncomfortable and uneasy in such a huge crowd even as we spent the night in the comfortable accomodation of a nearby hotel.But we felt guilty after seeing all those families in a more difficult and unbearable situation enthusiastically participating in the three hour long ceremony,singing with gusto,infectious smiles written all over their faces. We cannot help but admire that strong faith amidst adverse conditions. Another admirable facet of the Filipino family.

Strong ties of solidarity based on selfless and generous love, and lively, unshakeable faith amidst hardships. These are the two traits of Filipino families that sparkled in that gathering. Enough to nurture a feeling that the Filipino Family will survive the relentless assault on its sanctity by those advocating divorce, abortion, artificial birth control and other purely selfish and secular ideas.This is the real good news for the third millenium.
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