10 predictions for 2002

The year 2002 is just another dawn away, and as one voice in the teeming sea of humanity, here are my 10 bold predictions (sprinkled with lots of prayers, hope and optimism) for my birthplace, the Philippines, and my adopted country, the United States:

The´ year 2002 will see the emergence of a new alliance of OFW E-Force (E for Electronic and Economic) and the Freedom Force as advocated by fellow STAR columnist Teddy Benigno to form the most promising alternative political party in the Philippines.

The newly formed OFW Net Foundation will demand reforms that are more responsive to their needs. Not only are they called Bagong Bayani, they are also the saviors of the country in financial and economic terms. The OFWs will and can influence the direction of the Philippines in the next 20 years just like the Jewish organizations outside Israel did for their homeland.

America will become more "selfish" as the ruling Republican Party will become stricter in the immigration of foreigners, including Filipinos, into the United States. With the meltdown of dotcom companies and the massive layoffs in the airline, tourism and convention industries, the US economy will continue to suffer in 2002. Many non-US citizens will be laid-off as they will be ineligible to work in many areas where US citizenship is required.

As the US economy continues to sneeze, the Philippine economy continues to nurse a cold. The Americans, through the World Bank, will have more say on the economic and financial policies of the Philippines, including but not limited, to the Abu Sayyaf military conflicts in Mindanao. As Osama bin Laden is defeated, the Abo Sados of Sulu will also be captured. The Mindanao economy will be rehabilitated with focused help from the national government.

The Philippine economy will somewhat improve by the summer of 2002 with the infusion of investment capital from the US and the World Bank.

The trial of former President Estrada will continue beyond 2002. With his health deteriorating rapidly, however, there is the grim possibility that his trial will be stopped or suspended.

There will be another attempt for a Charter Change (Cha-Cha) to alter the present system of government to the parliamentary system.

The opposition party, led by Senators Angara, Lacson and Pimentel, will continue to create imaginative ways to block administration programs, because the success of GMA during the next two years will result in their massive defeat, or even demise in the political arena.

Bayan Muna and many leftist organizations will become more centrist and pragmatic, as their leaders grow older and more mature. As Rep. Satur Ocampo is now exposed to the harsh realities of business, the delicate equilibrium of labor, capital and raw materials, he can be the timely catalyst for organized labor to enter into a healthy alliance with business owners and industry.

The exodus of Filipinos to other countries will continue.

In the religious community, the Catholic Church led by Cardinal Sin, will become more frail and sickly in 2002. The Iglesia Ni Cristo led by Manalo and El Shaddai led by Velarde will continue to wield political clout and continue to be courted by politicians who want their blessings and support. GMA in her desire to be a "good" president will go down on her knees to be in "communion" with these powerful groups, especially the INK and El Shaddai whose members vote as a block.

The cyberspace community will dramatically boost the power and influence of some invisible segments in Philippine society. The OFWs will also dream of having their own OFW Bank, to serve their banking, remittance, capital and loan needs.

Is the Filipino youth the hope of the Philippines? This maxim since Rizal’s time will be tested and debated for many years starting 2002. Will Education Secretary Raul R. Roco be able to bring the idealism of the past to today’s Filipino youth?

In 2002, the Philippines must begin to reward hard work and discipline. This is a sure-fire formula for us to rise from the poverty and apathy. Buhayin natin ang Pilipinas! A happy, prosperous and peaceful New Year to all!

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