Editorial - Finish the campaign in Sulu

Almost forgotten in the political earthquake that Ilocos Sur Gov. Luis Singson has unleashed is the continuing military offensive in Sulu. The campaign, now entering its fourth week, has been blessed with luck: two French hostages managed to escape, followed later by 12 preachers of the Jesus Miracle Crusade led by Wilde Almeda. The escapees were brought to safety by the military. The Abu Sayyaf still has three Malaysians, a Filipino and an American, but reports said only the terrorist group’s hard-core members have remained in the jungle. The rest, most of them supporters recruited with ransom money, have tried to pose as evacuees to escape the military offensive.

In the past days some Abu Sayyaf regulars have surrendered and turned in their weapons. Reports said even the group’s leader, Ghalib "Commander Robot" Andang, has sent surrender feelers as food and other supplies dwindled. Under siege, their escape routes by sea blocked by the military, the terrorists have nowhere to run. More familiar with Sulu’s jungles than the military, the terrorists have dug in, apparently hiding with their captives in caves or tunnels. But even with millions of pesos in ransom money, they can’t last long without food and other supplies.

It’s impossible to set a deadline for this mopping-up operation, but it’s obvious that the public prefers a quick end to the campaign in Sulu. Residents of the island-province have suffered since the start of the assault and must get on with their lives. Rehabilitation of the province must start before poverty again drives many of its residents to banditry or turns them into supporters of terrorists. The military must also turn its attention to other parts of Mindanao, where Islamic rebels have continued their guerrilla terror campaign in a violent prelude to the resumption of peace negotiations.

Rescue the remaining hostages, get the Abu Sayyaf commanders, or at least Andang. Finish off this group that held the nation hostage for se-veral months. The troops, aircraft, armored personnel carriers and weapons are in place. It’s time to finish this job.

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