Executive Director Klaus Toepfer of the United Nations Environmental Programme has sent a congratulatory message to the Philippines for outlawing the use of leaded gas in Metro Manila. April is Earth Day Month and we started the celebration by implementing the Clean Air Act.
Lead additives increased the octane rating of gasoline and this was conducive to the development of modern high compression gasoline engines. But these additives produce precariously fine particles of lead aerosol that remain suspended in the air that is the main cause of pollution in all the cities all over the world. It is the most dangerous pollutant because it is a direct cause of high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease in adults and reduces the intelligence and normal development of children.
Owners of old cans are apprehensive about the phase out of leaded gasoline. This is because of misinformation that was spread by those who stood to gain in continuing the sale of leaded gasoline. The Motorist, the official publication of the Philippine Motor Association clarifies some of these misconceptions.
The biggest myth is that old engines are only effective if they use leaded gasoline. This was of a major concern even in the United States during the 70's and up to the 80's. Laboratory tests did prove that in some extreme cases, unleaded gasoline can damage valve seats. But it happens very rarely and the damage can be repaired and the seats can be replaced with hardened inserts that put a stop to future damage. Unleaded gasoline actually reduces corrosion and extends the lives of valves, spark plugs, engines and exhaust systems. Unleaded gasoline reduces overall maintenance cost because the savings from reduced corrosion are much than the cost of occasional cases of valve seat damage.
The final myth that the Philippine Motor Association wants to dispel is that there is a counter trend to revert back to leaded gasoline. If anything, the world position on the use of unleaded gasoline is firmer than ever. Japan lead the way when it stopped the use of leaded gasoline 20 years ago. The United States only started four years ago. But according to US pollution watchdog Natural Resources Defense Council, nations that have substituted unleaded with leaded gasoline have experienced great improvements in the general health of their population resulting in huge savings in their respective health departments. Casio Koch-Weser, Managing Director of the World Bank added that "The benefits of doing away with leaded gasoline are immediate and measureable and far outweigh the costs."
We hope that soon we can measure if the level pollution in Metro Manila actually decreased after we stopped using leaded gasoline.