Viral Serbian Dancing Lady video surpasses 100M views on TikTok

Clip of the "Serbian Dancing Lady"

MANILA, Philippines — Viral videos of a strange woman dancing in the streets have fuelled the urban legend of the Serbian Dancing Lady, with individuals still debating if she actually exists or not.

Earlier this year, videos of a woman dancing — waving her hands outward and repeatedly moving her heels left to right — in the streets of Belgrade, Serbia went viral on TikTok. Similar videos would also go viral on Twitter.

Viewers noticed that the woman appeared to be in a traditional Serbian costume while others saw a woman in casual clothing, but many agree her movements were similar to the Serbian folk dance Kolo.

@aatec13 be careful guys #serbia #dancingladyserbia #horror #zvezdara ? Creepy and simple horror background music(1070744) - howlingindicator

Compounded by rumors as early as 1998 through 2021, the public ajudged the woman to be a bad omen or an "ambassador of death," with unverified claims of the woman threatening people with a knife.

Others aren't entirely convinced; some say it just a social media prank by locals or simply a hoax especially as the woman's face is never seen.

As of publishing, the original 2023 TikTok video of the so-called Serbian Dancing Lady has surpassed a 100 million views, nearly nine million likes, and hundreds of thousands of comments, shares, and bookmarks.

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