Fried chicken iPhone case and other quirky products from KFC

KFC Japan's iphone case. Photo from KFC Japan.

MANILA, Philippines - Japan has an extensive list of bizarre products. Remember the black burger with black charcoal cheese and squid ink sauce?Adding to that list is the KFC's various collection of gadgets bearing a chicken theme. 

In celebration of the birth of the company's late founder, Colonel Sanders, KFC is giving away accessories inspired by their popular finger licking good chicken.

Massive chicken hat

Keyboard and Mouse



And the funniest of them all... an iPhone case. This huge case could be the solution to your bending iPhones!


Unfortunately, the products are only available in Japan. And since the products are giveaways, they're not going to be available in the marketplace either.  Too bad for those who want to own these collectibles.

Photos from KFC Japan website

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