Public school uses solar power

The solar-powered Sitero Francisco Memorial National High School in Valenzuela City glows at night during the ceremonial lighting.

MANILA, Philippines - The Sitero Francisco Memorial National High School in Barangay Ugong, Valenzuela City will be the first solar-powered school in the country after the installation of a 1kW photovoltaic solar array to light its nine-classroom building.

The solar energy initiative is one of the flagship projects of school principal Cesar Villareal and science department head Jameson Tan.

Tan scouted for potential donors and found Wanxiang America Corp. through the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE).

The six solar panels, worth P500,000, were shipped from Illinois, USA by Wanxiang America. The city government of Valenzuela covered the duty on the cargo and the installation cost by professionals from FFG Solar Power Inc.       

The installation of the solar panels would make the high school the first school in the country to have a hybrid energy setup, like the so-called “green schools” in the United States which use solar energy and grid energy.

The solar panels can generate 1kW to 5kW of electricity per hour depending on the intensity of sunlight. Unused solar energy is stored in eight deep-cycle batteries which can be used after sunset. The panels also continue to absorb light from the night sky.

“Once operational, the solar project will help students become more aware of their energy needs, the science behind it and other vital issues on energy utilization,” Villareal said.

A Web-based solar monitoring station will also be installed to monitor the energy production of other affiliate solar schools abroad in real-time.

The data will be used in studies on electricity and renewable energy sources, and how these are generated and used.

Villareal said that in the future, the school plans to develop a “green building” which teaches the harvesting of rainwater for energy generation and ventilation, the preparation of landscapes to reduce heat, reduction in water consumption, and recycling of waste water.

The ceremonial switching of lights was attended by Valenzuela City first district Rep Rex. Gatchalian, second district councilor Shalani Soledad, Department of Education officials led by division superintendent Dr. Flordeliza Mayari, and FEE representative William Manz.

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