Ex-BI chief named envoy to Germany

Et tu, Rufus?

Former First Lady now Sen. Luisa Ejercito has lost a pillar to the Arroyo administration after her Senate chief of staff was appointed ambassador to Germany.

Presidential Spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao announced yesterday President Arroyo’s appointment of former Immigration Commissioner Rufus Rodriguez as ambassador to Germany.

Prior to his nomination to the Bonn post, Rodriguez, a former law school dean, was chief of staff of Mrs. Ejercito, wife of deposed President Joseph Estrada. He served as immigration chief during the Estrada administration.

Tiglao said he does not know who recommended Rodriguez to the post.

"Of course, she (President) believes Attorney Rodriguez can be a competent ambassador," Tiglao said.

"The decision to appoint is really up to the President," he added.

Tiglao said that the appointment of Rodriguez probably went through the regular screening process of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS).

According to Tiglao, the President’s nomination of Rodriguez was already transmitted to the Commission on Appointments (CA) for confirmation.

Rodriguez also acted as lawyer for Mrs. Ejercito during the canvassing of votes for the May 14 elections.

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