Cop chief sacked over bank heist

The dismissal of Lt. Col. Mark Anthony Aningalan was based on the existing one-strike policy of the Philippine National Police.
STAR/ File

CAMP VICENTE LIM, Laguna, Philippines — The officer-in-charge of the Los Baños police has been dismissed from his post in connection with a bank robbery in Barangay San Antonio over the weekend.

The dismissal of Lt. Col. Mark Anthony Aningalan was based on the existing one-strike policy of the Philippine National Police.

Aningalan was replaced by former Cabuyao police chief Lt. Col. John Eric Antonio pending results of an investigation into the incident.

On Saturday afternoon, unidentified men robbed a branch of the Producers Bank in Los Baños City.

The robbery was discovered by bank manager Liberty Joy Malabayabas on Sunday morning.

Malabayabas told probers the robbers destroyed the  automated teller machine and the floor.                                                                                        

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