Blast rocks Bangsamoro health chief’s office

Bomb experts inspect the entrance leading to the office of the Bangsamoro health ministry following an explosion on Saturday night.

COTABATO CITY, Philippines — An explosion struck a compound housing the office of the Bangsamoro Ministry of Health in this city on Saturday.

No one was reported killed or wounded in the incident that occurred shortly before midnight in Zenaida subdivision, where the office and clinic of Health Minister Kadil Monera Sinolinding Jr. is located.

Witnesses said they saw two men hurl an object into the compound before fleeing.

Authorities expressed belief that the explosion was intended to scare Sinolinding. 

Police bomb experts and an ordnance disposal team from the 5th Marine Battalion recovered fragments of what was believed to be an M61 or MK2 grenade at the scene.

Probers said Sinolinding has no known enemies.

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