Army recovers bodies of 3 NPA female members

This photo taken on July 30, 2017 shows guerrillas of the New People's Army (NPA) in formation in the Sierra Madre mountain range, located east of Manila. Fuelled by one of the world's starkest rich-poor divides, a Maoist rebellion that began months before the first human landed on the moon plods on even though the country now boasts one of the world's fastest-growing economies.
AFP / Noel Celis, File

CAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga, Philippines — Government troops recovered the bodies of three female New People’s Army (NPA) rebels at Barangay Malbang in Pantabangan town, Aurora province, police said yesterday.

In a report, the police said the Philippine Army’s 84th Infantry “Victorious” Battalion found three bodies and four firearms a few meters away from the exit route of the rebels.

It was believed that the three were abandoned by their comrades while withdrawing from an encounter with soldiers on Wednesday.

The army also recovered a total of 14 high-powered firearms, subversive documents and personal belongings during a search at the encounter area.

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