3 agencies set up free Wi-Fi in Jolo Airport in Sulu

Technicians have completed setting up this week the Wi-Fi facilities in the Jolo Airport in Jolo, Sulu.
Philstar.com/John Unson

COTABATO CITY, Philippines — Technicians completed setting up on Friday a Wi-Fi system at the Jolo Airport in Jolo town in Sulu to ensure the connectivity of incoming and departing passengers with contacts outside of the province and access to local and foreign websites.

Jolo is the capital of Sulu, where peace and development have markedly been spreading around for three years now as a result of the police and military’s having cleared its municipalities from Abu Sayyaf terrorists with the help of local officials and peace advocacy groups.

Bangsamoro regional officials told reporters on Saturday that the Department of Information and Communications Technology, the Bangsamoro Airport Authority and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications cooperated in putting up Wi-Fi facilities at the Jolo Airport as part of Malacañang’s digitalization program, meant to boost the public service functions of government agencies.

Bangsamoro Transportation and Communications Minister Paisalin Pangandaman Tago said on Saturday that they are grateful to the DICT for having provided with Wi-Fi interconnectivity many government entities, including local government units in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

“Communication facilities are so important in ensuring good governance in the Bangsamoro region and in promoting the Mindanao peace process,” Tago said

BARMM covers Maguindanao del Norte, Maguindanao del Sur, Lanao del Sur, Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the cities of Lamitan, Marawi and Cotabato. 

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