Talim Island residents receive medical, dental aid

Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary 107th Squadron together with volunteers from Okada Manila, DZRH Operation Tulong, Harley Davidson Group and local officials,

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary (PCGA) 107th Squadron collaborated with various organizations to provide essential medical and dental services to the residents of Talim Island, Barangay Subay, Cardona Rizal. 

With 153 volunteers from Okada Manila, the Philippine Coast Guard, DZRH Operation Tulong, Harley Davidson Group, and local officials, the mission served 648 residents on April 20, 2024.

Residents of Talim Island received a range of critical healthcare services, including medical consultations, surgical procedures such as circumcision, dental treatments and extractions, optical check-ups with the distribution of free reading glasses, and the provision of medicines. 

Led by Jay Ian Capuz and Ramil Alejo from Okada Manila, along with support from local leaders Vice Mayor Gil F. Pandac and Barangay Subay Chairman Fernando Ditablan Anore Sr., the initiative addressed a pressing need in the remote community.

Byron Yip, president and COO of Okada Manila, highlighted the company's commitment to corporate social responsibility.

“Our mission transcends business—it is about serving our fellow Filipinos, especially in underserved areas where basic services are lacking. This initiative reflects our commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of the communities we serve,” Yip said.

Chief Security Officer Debold Sinas emphasized the participation of team members who are also part of the 107th Squadron PCGA. 

"Our involvement extends our commitment to promoting social awareness and responsibility among our team, engaging in community service activities to provide much-needed assistance," Sinas said.

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