DTI warns vs buying mystery parcels

Stock photo of a box being delivered.
Image by RoseBox via Unsplash

MANILA, Philippines — The public should be careful in in buying mystery parcels or boxes as they may be held liable for violating the anti-fencing law for buying illegally obtained items, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said yesterday.

In an interview on government-run station PTV4, Trade Assistant Secretary Amanda Nograles emphasized that there is nothing wrong with buying mystery parcels if they are not stolen packages.

“But if this item is stolen, our warning here is that you can be charged under the anti-fencing law,” she said.

Nograles explained that what makes mystery parcels popular is the chance for buyers to score high-value items at lower prices.

She advised buyers to check with the seller where the mystery items were sourced.

When the DTI comes across an online shop selling mystery parcels, the agency can ask the seller for proof that these parcels were obtained in a legal manner.

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