

CHR: Decent, proper temporary housing for informal settlers

Janvic Mateo - The Philippine Star
CHR: Decent, proper temporary housing for informal settlers
In a statement, the CHR urged the government to ensure “proper, decent and understandable approaches when building temporary housing” for the beneficiaries.
STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has lauded the government’s efforts to provide in-city housing to around 170,000 informal settler families (ISFs) in Metro Manila.

In a statement, the CHR urged the government to ensure “proper, decent and understandable approaches when building temporary housing” for the beneficiaries.

This, the commission said, would allow the ISFs to “continue to live a dignified life near their source of livelihood and families.”

Earlier this month, the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development bared plans to house ISFs in temporary “staging areas” while their new houses are being built.

Interior Secretary Benhur Abalos said local government units in Metro Manila were tasked to identify idle government lands where these staging areas may be established.

Reports said the government is looking at repurposing shipping containers to provide temporary housing to ISFs.

In its statement, the CHR said the government’s initiative to build in-city housing for ISFs is a “commendable program (that) reflects a positive step toward addressing the pressing issue of inadequate housing and internal displacement faced by these vulnerable communities.”

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