American, British sex offenders arrested in Cebu

John Tomas Minor, 42, and Derek Gordon Heggie, 40, were apprehended by members of the fugitive search unit of the Bureau of Immigration based on mission orders issued by BI Commissioner Norman Tangsinco.
STAR / File

MANILA, Philippines — An American and a British national wanted in their countries for sexually molesting children were arrested in Cebu on Monday.

John Tomas Minor, 42, and Derek Gordon Heggie, 40, were apprehended by members of the fugitive search unit of the Bureau of Immigration based on mission orders issued by BI Commissioner Norman Tangsinco.

Tansingco said US and British authorities requested the issuance of the arrest orders.

Minor was arrested at a condominium unit at the Cebu Business Park in Cebu City while Heggie was collared at a residential unit in Barangay Guadalupe in Bogo City.

An arrest warrant for Minor was issued in May by a superior court in Spokane, Washington, where he was charged for raping and molesting a child.

The National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom, on the other hand, said Heggie was convicted of sexual assault on Aug. 10, 2005.

Heggie also allegedly committed several other sex crimes, including raping a domestic partner in 2018 and an ex-partner in 2013. He was also accused of sexual activity with a minor.

UK authorities warned the BI that Heggie is known to be violent and has an extensive criminal history, including damage to property and possession of illegal drugs.

BI spokesperson Dana Sandoval expressed concern over the number of foreign sex offenders intercepted at the airport this year.

Sandoval lamented that more pedophiles are coming to the country to carry out their obscenities.

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