Slain doctor’s belongings found in killer’s house

COTABATO CITY , Philippines — The personal belongings of a missing doctor found buried in a shallow grave in the compound of a hospital have been recovered at the residence of the confessed killer.

Police said the handbag, mobile phone, identification cards, bank cards and keys of Ma. Victoria Tello, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Cotabato Regional Medical Center, were recovered at the house of Nasrudin Endaila in Barangay Rosary Heights.

Brig. Gen. Allan Nobleza, Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao police director, said probers have additional evidence to prosecute Endaila, who admitted that he strangled Tello with a length of rope.

Endaila told police he killed Tello following an argument when the doctor confronted him about the missing funds that were entrusted to him as a staff of an organization of physicians.

In his extrajudicial confession, Endaila admitted having embezzled the funds.

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