Cebu City school bans lato-lato

MANILA, Philippines — Bringing lato-lato, also known as clackers or clankers, to the Abellana National School in Cebu City is prohibited.

School principal Nathanael Flores ordered the ban in a memorandum issued on Tuesday, citing concerns regarding the toy’s disruptive nature and potential hazards.

“Attention is drawn to the growing popularity of lato-lato among children as it has been observed that some students are bringing and playing with this toy in the school,” the memorandum read. ”It is crucial to address this matter seriously due to reports indicating that this toy had caused injuries to players... In some instances, it has been used as a weapon resulting in trouble among children.”

In an advisory, the Department of Education-Cebu City  office said schools in the city should closely monitor students playing with lato-lato and take appropriate measures to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

The Department of Trade and Industry said lato-lato has no  certificate of product notification from the Food and Drug Administration.         

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