Davao City eyes expanding durian production

This file photo shows Davao City hall.
Philstar.com / File

DAVAO CITY, Philippines (Philippine News Agency) — The local government is keen on expanding the city’s production of durian due to the huge demand in China, the City Agriculturist Office (CAgro) said Friday.

In a radio interview, Dario Divino, CAgro’s focal person on industrial crops, noted that the city is facing a "big challenge" in raising present production figures amid the demand from domestic and foreign markets, chiefly China.

This city is conducive for durian production as the crop thrives in areas with an elevation of 800 meters above sea level and lower, he said.

According to Divino, the local government encourages the planting of the “Puyat” variety because of its export potential, as three approved importers from China have signified interest in it.

“It is delicious and heavier (in weight). It is also a heavy excellent fruiter and its branches do not spread, unlike the Arancillo variety. If you have at least one hectare, you can have many trees,” he explained.

Based on 2021 data, at least 4,408 Dabawenyos cultivate durian on 3,388 hectares of land.

In the same year, they collectively harvested 12,929 metric tons.

“We have a lot of durians, but we still do our best to expand because some areas were reverted to farmers by banana plantations and some farmers plan to plant coconut, which is advantageous because durian can be intercropped with it, more so with bananas,” Divino said.

CAgro runs a seedling program for durian farmers in Baguio District in partnership with the Department of Agriculture (DA) 11 (Davao region).

Divino said they encourage farmers who have open areas located 800 meters above sea level and lower to coordinate with their office so they could be aided in using advanced intercropping techniques.

CAgro will start with free training on durian planting and proper management next year, he added.

“The free seminars will be conducted in every district. Those who are interested may come to our offices located in different districts of Davao City,” he said. PNA/Che Palicte


The Philippine News Agency (PNA) is the Philippine government’s official web-based newswire service.

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