

Makati qualifies for performance bonus from national government

The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Makati is the only local government unit (LGU) in the National Capital Region qualified to receive performance-based bonus from the national government, Mayor Abby Binay announced yesterday.

This means city hall employees will get additional bonus this year as a reward for their exemplary work and dedication as civil servants, according to Binay.

“The performance-based bonus for city hall workers is well-deserved. This is a nod to our hardworking and dedicated public servants who have always put the interests of our constituents first,” she said. “I am proud of what we have achieved and I am confident that we will continue to do our best to serve the people of Makati.”

A total of 366 LGUs nationwide are eligible to receive performance bonuses for 2021, according to the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems.

Binay said more than the monetary value of the bonus, she is glad that Makati has been recognized as a model LGU in terms of good governance and public service.

“This is a validation of our efforts to promote clean, honest and efficient government. We will continue to uphold these values as we work toward making Makati an inclusive, livable and sustainable city for all,” the mayor said.

Launched in 2012, the program aims to reward and encourage exemplary performance among public servants.

Government agencies, departments and LGUs are judged based on four dimensions of accountability: performance, process, financial and citizen/client satisfaction results.

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