Schools told to tighten security

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Education (DepEd) has called for tighter security in schools amid reports of sexual abuse and robbery of four teachers while preparing for the opening of classes in Ocampo, Camarines Sur.

In a statement issued on Friday, DepEd urged local authorities to conduct an investigation and bring justice to the victims.

“We denounce any act of violence and injustice toward our teachers who have been showing their dedication and effort to deliver equitable, resilient, inclusive and quality education to our learners,” DepEd said.

“The department has instructed the field office concerned to coordinate with authorities to assist them throughout the investigation. The department will provide the necessary aid to the victims, including financial assistance and psychosocial intervention,” it added.

DepEd urged the Philippine National Police and other concerned agencies to protect the welfare of teachers, students and parents within and outside school premises.

The department said it is drafting a joint memorandum circular with the Department of the Interior and Local Government and Department of Budget and Management on the use of the Special Education Fund to hire at least one security personnel in every school as well as the repair and construction of school buildings.

The same circular will prohibit the use of schools as isolation facilities and long-term evacuation centers.

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