American nabbed for child webcam sex

MABALACAT , Philippines  – An American suspected of exploiting Filipino children using webcams to sell videos, images and livestreams has been arrested in this town.

David Timothy Deakin’s arrest by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on April 20, and the rescue of two girls, is one of the largest seizures of potentially illicit digital content in the country.

Deakin has been charged with cybercrime, child pornography, child abuse and child trafficking.

“This should serve as a warning,” said Janet Francisco, NBI anti-human trafficking chief. “We will really put them in jail and they will die in jail.”

The 53-year-old suspect, originally from Peoria, Illinois, claimed he did not make videos of children.

Webcam child abuse is increasing rapidly in the Philippines, with a growing pool of pedophile buyers from the US and Europe.

The United Nations said there is an “alarming growth” of new forms of child sexual exploitation online.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation said it is an “epidemic” with 750,000 child predators online at any given time. Almost every case stems from the Philippines, where good English speakers, increased internet connection and widespread international cash transfer systems combine with widespread poverty and easy access to vulnerable kids.     

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