Kidapawan execs destroy customized mufflers

An operative of the Kidapawan City traffic management unit watches over the disposal of illegal motorcycle mufflers seized in recent operations. Unson  

NORTH COTABATO, Philippines – Officials in Kidapawan City on Wednesday destroyed hundreds of motorcycle mufflers customized to amplify in extremely high decibels engine roar at full throttle.

Mayor Joseph Evangelista of Kidapawan City, capital of North Cotabato, ordered the seized mufflers destroyed in the presence of other local officials and members of the city’s traffic management unit.

The mufflers were seized in a series of operations by the city’s traffic enforcers in recent weeks.

The confiscated mufflers were flattened using a three-ton road roller of the city government.

Rey Manar, chief of the city’s traffic group, told reporters their seizure of the illegal mufflers is part of Mayor Evangelista’s effort to rid the city of a fad causing public disturbance.

Manar said their group and the local police are helping each other enforce the ban on mufflers customized to amplify engine noise at high revolution.

“We will continue enforcing the law until we have taken them all out from the streets of Kidapawan City,” Manar said.

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