Woman dies of meningo

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines  – A woman from Daraga, Albay died of meningococcemia at the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital (BRTTH) Sunday, the provincial health office said yesterday.

The 56-year-old woman was first admitted to the Estevez Memorial Hospital Saturday and was transferred to BRTTH the next day.

Aurora Daluro, chief of the provincial health department, said the victim had fever and rashes.

Daluro said all those who had close contact with the victim had been given prophylaxis and were placed under observation for 10 days.

The victim’s 24-year-old daughter, who refused to be identified, said her mother was cremated 10 hours after she died. “They gave me a vaccine while my son and househelp were given oral antibiotics,” she said. 


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