2 MNLF factions support draft Bangsamoro law

MANILA, Philippines - Two factions of the Moro National Liberation Front yesterday supported the draft Bangsamoro law, which is the result of government peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), a breakaway group of the MNLF.

The MNLF factions expressed their support during the 35th hearing conducted by the House special committee on the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) chaired by Cagayan de Oro City Rep. Rufus Rodriguez.

“We welcome the support of the MNLF. It has always been our position that the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law is not only for the MILF but for all Bangsamoro, Muslims, Christians and lumads, and all other groups and sectors in Mindanao,” Rodriguez said.

The MNLF factions that attended the hearing were those led by Abul Khayr Alonto and Muslimin Sema.

Another faction, led by MNLF chairman Nur Misuari, did not send a representative.

Alonto said they are for the full implementation of the comprehensive and the framework agreement on the Bangsamoro.

He cited a statement by Pope Francis that the peace process could result in just solutions that take into account the inalienable rights of the people.

Alonto presented proposals that he said could improve the draft law.

He said the sharing between the national government and the envisioned Bangsamoro region on mineral exploitation should be the same as the Malampaya natural gas project sharing arrangement.

He said the Bangsamoro Basic Law should ban any form of gambling in the envisioned new autonomous Muslim region.

Sema traced the history of the Mindanao peace process, which the MNLF under Misuari started with the government during the Marcos era.

He said such process resulted in the signing of the Tripoli Agreement in 1976 and the l996 final peace agreement signed during the Ramos administration.

“These accords have not been fully implemented because the government reneged on its commitments,” Sema said.

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