DOJ clears ASLI, officers from smuggling charges

MANILA, Philippines - The All System Logistics Inc. (ASLI) has reported that its officials charged over the alleged smuggling of P7 million worth of rice to Mindanao.

ASLI said that charges filed against the company and its officers have been dismissed in a May 26, 2014 resolution penned by Justice Undersecreatry Francisco Baraan III.

Cleared from the charges were ASLI board chairman Mary Lou Estrada, chief executive officer Antonio Estrada, corporate secretary Humphrey Tumaneng, treasurer Ana Myrna Gonzales and director Anthony Dexer Yu.

They were earlier accused of vioiating Sections 3601 and 3602, in relation to Section 101 and Sections 2503 and 2530 of the Tariffs and Customs Code of the Philippines.

"We find no convincing evidence showing that respondents (i.e. ASLI) knowingly smuggled the subject shipment of vietnam fragrant rice into the Philippines," the justice department said in the resolution.

In a letter sent to, ASLI Group HR Manager Juan Amor Palafor added: "The resolution further notes that the circumstances did not prove any purported willful intent of the respondents to fraudulently bring into the Philippines the prohibited merchandise."

"The DOJ resolution in fact emphasizes our company showed 'compliance with and enforcement of importation laws when they repeatedly warned Mat Bien that their shipment cannot be allowed entry into the Philippines, unless it can produce the necessary supporting importation documents," Palafox said in the letter.

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