Reds hiring out-of-school youth – military

KORONADAL CITY, Philippines   â€“ The New People’s Army (NPA) in South Cotabato is reportedly hiring out-of-school youth and training them to fight the government, an Army official said yesterday.

Lt. Abel Fortu, civil military officer of the 27th Infantry Battalion (IB) based in Tupi town, said the NPA is strengthening its ranks by enticing out-of-school youth to join their cause.

“We are worried about it,” Fortu said as he expressed concerns on the reported recruitment in the province, particularly in the towns of Lake Sebu and T’boli.

The towns have a history of atrocities between the NPA rebels and the government forces.

“Parents were complaining that their children were recruited by the communist insurgents,” Fortu said.

He said two mothers from Lake Sebu sought their help after their sons joined the NPA in November last year. “The mothers said their sons have not returned home to this day,” Fortu said.

Several parents from T’boli also had similar complaints.

Fortu urged the rebels to spare the out-of-school youth in their fight against the government.


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