Yolanda victims receive P3.5-M aid from Alcantara Group

ROXAS CITY, Philippines -– The Mindanao-based Alcantara Group delivered around 6,000 relief kits worth about P3.5 million to residents of Roxas City and other areas in Capiz affected by Super Typhoon Yolanda.

Around 5,000 kits composed of canned goods, basic kitchen utensils, bath soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, plastic drinking tumblers, buckets, dippers, and other personal hygiene items were shipped from the Alcantara Group offices in Makati City.

The Alcantara Group is comprised of companies engaged in industries ranging from agribusiness and aquaculture, property development, services and power generation.

The kits were purchased from funds raised out of the contributions of employees and matched by the group of companies.

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