Police still clueless on public school exec's attack in Maguindanao

MAGUINDANAO - The police are still clueless on the identities of the gunmen behind Thursday’s ambush of a public school district supervisor in Datu Saudi town..

Abdul Nasser Kempao, district supervisor of Datu Piang municipality, also in the second district of Maguindanao, was attacked in Barangay Salbo while riding his pick-up truck en route to the provincial public school office.

Kempao survived the attacked unscathed, but one of his companions was slightly wounded.

Investigators said the gunmen, positioned at one side of the highway in Datu Saudi, shot with assault rifles Kempao’s vehicle as it got close.

The suspects hurriedly escaped towards a nearby rice field, according to barangay officials.

Local officials in the neighboring Datu Piang and Datu Saudi towns are convinced the attempt on Kempao is related to the recently concluded barangay elections in schools under his jurisdiction.

Senior Superintendent Rodel Jocson, director of the Maguindanao provincial police, said investigators are still trying to determine the identities of the attackers and the motive for the failed attempt on Kempao’s life.

The Datu Saudi police said Kempao and his family have surprisingly been so reluctant to cooperate with investigators.

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