Rotting bodies, rodents and flooding increase leptospirosis risk in Zamboanga

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - Government forces led by the Philippine National Police (PNP) conducting clearing operation in the war-torn district of this city have been warned against leptospirosis after the devastated place was flooded, a government doctor said.

City health officer Dr. Rodelyn Agbulos said the city is considered prone to leptospirosis due to the decomposing cadavers of rebels killed in the recent gunbattle and presence of rodents which were swept by the flood last week.

“The devastated area is prone to leptospirosis with the presence of decomposing bodies and rodents,” Agbulos said.

Agbulos said the police forces and soldiers conducting the clearing operation were provided with doxycycline as prophylaxis to prevent the possible infection from the disease.

The clearing forces under Task Force Suyud (clearing), which has been combing the site of estimated 40 hectares for possible unexploded ordnance and other evidence, have resumed the clearing operation in the flooded site.

The clearing forces have recovered more than 50 remains, some were already decomposing and others decomposed  since the clearing phase started during the first week this month.

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