Taiwanese nabbed for distributing porn

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - A Taiwanese national was arrested on Wednesday by combined agents of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and police forces during a buy-bust operation for illegal distribution of pornographic DVDs in Kabasalan town, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Arrested suspect was identified as Eric Chang, 26, married and temporarily residing at Barangay Poblacion, Kabasalan town, said Senior Inspector Rico Pondol, municipal police commander.

Pondol said NBI agents from Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur headed by Faustino Carreon coordinated with his forces and hatched the buy-bust operation that resulted to the arrest of Chang at Kabasalan Marketing located in the town business center.

During the entrapment operation, the NBI and police recovered from Chang an undetermined number of pornographic DVDs and CDs. 

“The suspect was illegally distributing pornographic DVDs and CDs,” Pondol said.

Pondol said Chang was arrested for violation of Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by Presidential Decree 969, referring to obscene publications. 

The arrested Taiwanese national was immediately brought to the NBI headquarters in Pagadian City together with all the confiscated DVDs and CDs as appropriate charges will be filed in court against the suspect. 

The authorities were also investigating the source of the pornographic materials that the suspect was distributing.

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