Over 1,000 House bills filed before 16th Congress opens

MANILA, Philippines - More than 1,000 proposed laws have already been filed at the House of Representatives a few weeks before the 16th Congress opens on July 22.

The House of Representatives Plenary Affairs Bureau opened its windows on Monday to accommodate lawmakers or their representatives who filed bills and resolutions on various vital issues and policy reforms.

As of 10:30 a.m. Thursday, 1,093 House Bills and 31 House Resolutions have already been filed.

At 6 p.m. last Monday, some 826 bills of national and local scope, 25 House Resolutions, one Concurrent Resolution and one House Joint Resolution were officially received and numbered.

Newly-elected congressmen assumed office last Monday, July 1.

The proposed measures would be transmitted by the Office of the Secretary General to the Committee on Rules following its reconstitution when the next Congress opens.

House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. was elated over the "enthusiasm shown by congressmen" at filing their pet measures in anticipation of the opening of the Congress.

"If the long queue on Monday was indicative of the enthusiasm of my peers to participate actively in quality legislation, it must be a very promising start. Who knows, it may even make this 16th Congress surpass the achievements of its predecessor," Belmonte said.

Belmonte reported last month that in the 15th Congress, some 447 laws out of 1,023 measures reported out by House committees and approved on third reading were enacted into law.

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