Cops secure Maguindanao town following death of massacre suspect

COTABATO CITY, Philippines  - The police on Wednesday tightened security in nearby Shariff Aguak town and surrounding areas to pre-empt possible retaliations by followers of a key suspect in the 2009 “Maguindanao Massacre” policemen killed in an encounter Monday.

The massacre suspect, Daingan Ampatuan, who was gunned down by police operatives that were to serve a warrant for his arrest, while in Barangay Kuloy in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao after he and his followers resisted

Five policemen, including a senior officer, Supt. Julius Coyme, were wounded in the shootout with Ampatuan and the latter's followers.

Senior Supt. Rudelio Jocson, director of the Maguindanao provincial police, said they have enlisted the help of Army units in Shariff Aguak to help secure the municipality from possible retaliations by relatives and followers of the slain massacre suspect.

Local officials, who asked not to be identified, said five followers of Ampatuan were wounded in Monday’s encounter, which dislocated dozens of Moro families.

Jocson said they have also deployed more policemen at the public market and terminal in Shariff Aguak as part of the security measures aimed at preventing possible attacks by Dainga’s group.

Ampatuan was one of more than 200 people implicated in the November 23, 2009 election-related massacre of 58 people in Ampatuan town in Maguindanao. More than half of the victims were journalists.

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